Saturday, August 1, 2009

when no means no

who do you believe when noone is believable?
There are two sides to every story and perception of the story lies somewhere between the person telling the truth and the one doing the lying..and nothing is as clear as it should be..take rape for instance the dating kind..a woman's point of view -she can say she felt uncomfortable with the way someone was touching her but doesn't mention it but let's him continue with the occassional "i am not in the mood"..a guys point of view he can say she just needs to be put in the mood besides she's kissing and messing around and 8 times out of ten most women arent in the mood..most guys have to set the mood..i am goin to be hypocritical for the moment IF this was my daughter who came to me on something like that , i am whuppin ass..on the other hand- mixed signals ,alcohol, drugs or whatever else your mood of relaxtion requires will get you in a world of trouble. women hold a power that most don't comprehend. The allure of sex is mind controlling and intoxicating so my best advice to people wanting to aviod these situations is to not sleep naked with the devil because sooner or later he's bound to fuck you and if someone has put you in this situation don't go back to them smilin and put yourself in that situation again..people will read this and say that i am an asshole and i'm being insensitive but i have seen this firsthand.Rumors do just as much damage as the truth so it's nothing that you should toss around lightly like its that gossip game you played in class with a "pass it on" to see how the story changes..lies and tales decieve only you in the end cause someday you'll need someone to believe in you..this goes for the women as well as the men when u tryin to get with someone make sure ya'll get it right or don't get together at always be famous or infamous screw being in between
p.s to my homie...get out of the game before you get played ...i know the deal women -most men warrant whatever happens to them when they push the issue to the extreme but sometimes...5 years damn man

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