Thursday, August 6, 2009

love like wine

(LOVE) u don’t realize your an alcoholic until u can’t get any

to my lil’ brah....this "thing" u got or goin’ through is almost like being a drunk, u drink erryday sometimes u drink not to get drunk but jus to have a drink...some relationships are like that too, u get used to certain conviences or situations and u start takin for granted the aspect of what made the relationship alcohol after a while u forget that drinkin use to be fun and meant hangin out and parties..then u start to drink alone and after that it’s down some relationships u have to know"when to say when" to complete my analogy u and i both know u started "drinkin alone"(needin space) took guts(women may not agree) to admit you wasn’t many men can say they walked away from a DIME(most would’ve kept fuckin and pretended) right now you are jus in the withdrawal phase..can’t blame u(u said it in one of your songs ..have you SEEN my bitch lol)... but i can say ..I TOLD U SO lol..and this is not a knock on anything or anybody and only 2 people know da real deal.. u and her, anyways u know it’s all good..jus do U..ya feel me and let errythang be cheeers!!!! drink up and remember everythang in moderation that means no arabian as always be famous or infamous fuck being in between
p.s for those that know me, know that i was(still)an alcoholic and i don’t drink any more ,i don’t take it lightly only if i can get a hold of my sexual addiction...mmmmhhhmmm...naaaaaaaaawww!!!! lmao

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