Saturday, August 1, 2009

superman lover

If you was to have sex with SUPERMAN could you go back to making love with clark kent?

love the one your with or leave for the one you want..for most men this is easy we are guided by a different force..a inner force that requires little assistance, we can summon this power at will and to top it off it comes with a handy detach button..we do the dirty deed and once were finish it's done..but for most women well there's a whole lotta other stuff that's too complicated for me to even pretend i know...but imma fake it anyway(you women can feel me on that) women are spoiled by spend their entire lives tryin to get over, under, away, around, and in a woman and some men are are so confused by them they just go bat for the other team,lol the name broken down even gives you a hint to the power they posses "WOE MAN" as in woe be to any man who has ever loved a woman j/k.. the reason i am sayin this is that i have a friend who is like a "Clark Kent".He has and will do anythang for his lois lane, she wants for nothin except you guessed it SUPERMAN(and no i am not the superman in question although i am flattered,) she left him for a "maybe".. i guess i am not the guy to sympathize with him on this cause being a former playa i am all about the emotion and passion in someone, you know it's part of love's hustle. you lose some' you win some, but every now and then even as cold hearted as i can be sometimes you kinda root for the Good guys.. but don't worry Clark, Lois will be back..cause she is his kryptonite...and besides you can't save the world and save a ho' ..okay i take that last bit back, but it was funny cause i use to be captain save a ho' aaaah the good ol' dayz lol.....for real tho' we all been there and done it and had it done to us, it's part of the game .you play at your own risk..and for the record my SUPERWOMAN or women..meagan goode, jessica alba, alicia keys, or drew any one of them and its kiss the kidz good-bye baby see ya when i see ya lol anywayz do what you do and hope it dont get done to you as alwayz be famous or infamous fuck being in between..

p.s after being slaughtered by superman who would wanna go behind that..(sigh) i can only imagine how those guyz feel about me of steel indeed..but lately it's been faster than a speedin bullet lmao

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