Thursday, August 6, 2009

hated by many loved by a few

back from the dead
..i have come to a realization kinda late..i’m a ’lil slo’ ,lol bear with me....that there is no honor amongst theives..i would love to believe that my P.I.C(partners in crime) had some kind of code but seein’ it says partners in CRIME there can be no loyalty..i am not naive to the game..jus fuckin fed up with it..the masks we wear..two face mudda fudda’s..all the sayings apply..keep your friends close and your enemies closer..the enemy of my enemy is my friend , etc..erry body wants to wear the crown nobody wants to put in the work..hatin ass nicca’s..somebody’s gotta be the chief and i’m "chief i’ll fuck u up big ballz" imma 5th generation ass whuppa...and this iz not an internet gansta moment..this shit is ..jus that..shit and i can’t stand my own shit so i’m definetly not puttin up with anybody dat up..dominoes will fall.. now i know how Ceaser tu.. brute! as always be famous or infamous fuck being in between

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