Saturday, August 1, 2009

not my fault

irony and karma the end dont they always win?
life has a sarcastic bite to it..its like that old southern woman sittin on a porch its done seen all and heard all nothin gets by and no crap is flung but by know the kind..anyways i'm in this kind of mood because just when i think i got this @%$# figured out wham something throws me for a loop..listen for all intent and purpose i am an evily delicious guy which means i have the charm of a devil..i'll make you sin and let you think it's your idea. my mom says i was born with a crooked smile she calls me a snake charmer yeah i know warm and fuzzy right she's old school broomstick,a shoe ,thick belt or whatever object that can cause trauma kind of woman but one crooked smile from me and its let the ice melting begin lol i know im bad for it "how can i use my own mother" you say! well......easy duh!(did u miss the i'm evil part, lol) plus she's a woman j/k i had to say it! well lately i have tried to go a different direction and try the other side of this thing and (gulp) be nice without a hidden agenda-i heard there was such a thing so i tried it lol well i thought people were gonna lock me up! see i'm already heavily medicated lol but they thought i O.D'ed on my happy pills(aah the lil blue thingys) turns out if i'm really nice to the people who know me they either grab their wallets,check to see what items are missin or start questioning their girlfriends you know... JUST IN CASE lol they like me being a sarcastic asshole,i'm predicctable that taz in a cage u can rattle it and watch me spin ...its just when i'm sittin still grinnin that gives people the chills..go the way i see it my being a little off, derranged , and evil keeps everybody else happy so my goin to the dark side is .....THEIR FAULT!... yeah thats it ..i'm just a pawn i feel sooo ironic is that? as always be famous or infamous fuck being just in between
p.s if anybody wants to join me on the dark side..(i have cookies mmmm chocolate chips) ...bring milk...

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