Thursday, August 6, 2009

judge jury and executioner

In order to completely satisfy you have to completely disatisfy others?..
i wear a size 14..if u'd like to walk in my shoes!
where do u draw the line between your own insecurities and projecting your values or ethics on to others.... are some people that in tune with the world that they have been annoited a spokesman(or for u sensitve types spokeswoman)for your life...... I have lived a few years and have done alot of good things and i've done bad deeds..seen alot of shit and yet by no means am I in a position to convey what or how u are susposed to live( i do give out little insights based on my own experiences,but basically we as people have been given "free will")to interject righteousness into this "only God can judge me" and MY Blood, Sweat and Tears have stained me... i am marked by my past and if u don't have a reel to reel tape of my don't KNOW ME( and for the ones who say" i don't want to know u"...You the one reading the blog... ain't irony a mutha fucker)and u don't like your life so u grasp a bits that i choose to give u of mine and u hate and dissect it based on your own shortcomings...don't come and clean my house when yours is a if u think throwin stones is goin to do me in well here's a news flash God's been droppin boulders on me all my life and u don't think u can outdo GOD do you. So u do u and let me do me and in the end will settle up the score..because this is a game, i know cause i've played before and lost... as always be famous or infamous ..fuck being in between

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