Thursday, November 19, 2009

Buzzzz kill

"i'm soooo cold(brrrrr),i am almost heartless,man how my heart aches from the thought of this"

I am cursed with being in the middle of an ironic hurricane of a storm...things are bad all around me and i am beginning to find humor in some sick and twisted places..but i must admit the shit is funny..I am @ a gas station talking to a friend of mine when out of nowhere comes this Bee(buzz) just zooming in and -me i am not payin it any attention but she is freakin out. cause apparently this is some type of STALKER BEE that has been tracking(attacking) her for two days(lol) everytime she comes and gets gas and she is horrified of the impending doom that comes with being stung....well donda don donda don donda don you guessed it Superman had to save the day(thats right fighting crime and insects near you)and faster than a speeding bullet i swat it(splat!!! hands of steel baaybee) thank yew.. high fives and hugs all around, no need for applause just your simple worship of me thats all i require...finito.. right... end of story mmmphh in somebody else's reality! in my world this STALKER BEE has seen one too many horror movies where the villian never dies until killed twice before the credits roll and then your'e still not sure..this titanium plated Bee gets up off the pavement and flies directly in my face(u sneaky mutha...playin dead on me) scares the shit out of me(eeeeeek..that's me screamin like a biatch) i swat at it awkwardly causin the BEE to do a nose dive KAMAKIZE style towards her..hmmmm right between her legs(she's wearin thin scrubs)and it stings her(don't you just love FATE) in her ummm her well u get the picture..the woman screams in horror holding her "u know what" , like she gotta pee and i'm like omg(yeah i said it lol) mouth wide open...i mustard up the nerve and ask is there anything i can do and in a tone probably only audible to dogs and GOD i think she said "No!!!thank you have done enough" i gave a wicked grin and said "do you want me to pull the stinger out or put tabacco juice on it" lol there's that vioce again this time with a look of horror or maybe it was murder as she said in low growling demonic tone"GET AWAY"lmao well fine i can tell when my heroicness is not appreciated so i left as instructed later i found out she had to go to the hospital because it stung the "little man in her boat" and the whole area swelled up ouch..well me being me the sensitive sympathetic type i thought to myself ..this gives a whole new meaning to having a FAT CAT!!!!hahahahaha..........thank you stalker bee wherever you as always BEE famous or infamous never BEE just in BEEtween

P.s SUPERMAN is back....ready to save your day!

Thursday, August 6, 2009

loved lost

what if somene u had dated thanked you for loving them so well..that u made them a better LOVER to the person that they are with NOW..would u think selfishly or would u be happy for them...what if u were STILL IN LOVE with's a dilemna(ain't love always) it's enough to make a great lover like myself hold back a little ...nawwwwww lol as always be famous or infamous fuck being in betweeen

judge jury and executioner

In order to completely satisfy you have to completely disatisfy others?..
i wear a size 14..if u'd like to walk in my shoes!
where do u draw the line between your own insecurities and projecting your values or ethics on to others.... are some people that in tune with the world that they have been annoited a spokesman(or for u sensitve types spokeswoman)for your life...... I have lived a few years and have done alot of good things and i've done bad deeds..seen alot of shit and yet by no means am I in a position to convey what or how u are susposed to live( i do give out little insights based on my own experiences,but basically we as people have been given "free will")to interject righteousness into this "only God can judge me" and MY Blood, Sweat and Tears have stained me... i am marked by my past and if u don't have a reel to reel tape of my don't KNOW ME( and for the ones who say" i don't want to know u"...You the one reading the blog... ain't irony a mutha fucker)and u don't like your life so u grasp a bits that i choose to give u of mine and u hate and dissect it based on your own shortcomings...don't come and clean my house when yours is a if u think throwin stones is goin to do me in well here's a news flash God's been droppin boulders on me all my life and u don't think u can outdo GOD do you. So u do u and let me do me and in the end will settle up the score..because this is a game, i know cause i've played before and lost... as always be famous or infamous ..fuck being in between

hated by many loved by a few

back from the dead
..i have come to a realization kinda late..i’m a ’lil slo’ ,lol bear with me....that there is no honor amongst theives..i would love to believe that my P.I.C(partners in crime) had some kind of code but seein’ it says partners in CRIME there can be no loyalty..i am not naive to the game..jus fuckin fed up with it..the masks we wear..two face mudda fudda’s..all the sayings apply..keep your friends close and your enemies closer..the enemy of my enemy is my friend , etc..erry body wants to wear the crown nobody wants to put in the work..hatin ass nicca’s..somebody’s gotta be the chief and i’m "chief i’ll fuck u up big ballz" imma 5th generation ass whuppa...and this iz not an internet gansta moment..this shit is ..jus that..shit and i can’t stand my own shit so i’m definetly not puttin up with anybody dat up..dominoes will fall.. now i know how Ceaser tu.. brute! as always be famous or infamous fuck being in between

love like wine

(LOVE) u don’t realize your an alcoholic until u can’t get any

to my lil’ brah....this "thing" u got or goin’ through is almost like being a drunk, u drink erryday sometimes u drink not to get drunk but jus to have a drink...some relationships are like that too, u get used to certain conviences or situations and u start takin for granted the aspect of what made the relationship alcohol after a while u forget that drinkin use to be fun and meant hangin out and parties..then u start to drink alone and after that it’s down some relationships u have to know"when to say when" to complete my analogy u and i both know u started "drinkin alone"(needin space) took guts(women may not agree) to admit you wasn’t many men can say they walked away from a DIME(most would’ve kept fuckin and pretended) right now you are jus in the withdrawal phase..can’t blame u(u said it in one of your songs ..have you SEEN my bitch lol)... but i can say ..I TOLD U SO lol..and this is not a knock on anything or anybody and only 2 people know da real deal.. u and her, anyways u know it’s all good..jus do U..ya feel me and let errythang be cheeers!!!! drink up and remember everythang in moderation that means no arabian as always be famous or infamous fuck being in between
p.s for those that know me, know that i was(still)an alcoholic and i don’t drink any more ,i don’t take it lightly only if i can get a hold of my sexual addiction...mmmmhhhmmm...naaaaaaaaawww!!!! lmao

the lil things

If i was ATLAS.. i'd drop the World for this girl
...why is it that when u are with someone u don't say the things that need to be said or do the things that need to be done..even if it's the lil things we still sometimes won't do them..if it's rubbin your lady back or or her feet if she's tired or cookin her a meal or if she's pregnant rubbin her belly down with coco butter, or just plain doin somethin when not asked..i think if u did it that way u wouldn't be wondering what went wrong when shit goes wrong..but (u knew it was comin...)some mutha fuckas won't appreciate it no matter what u do ...u will be taken for granted by some bitch or some asshole who u thought was somethin they ended up not be the little things..say what u mean..mean what u say..but just don't polish any old rock and expect it to be a always be famous or infamous fuck being in between..

laugh now cry later

does comedy come from pain?
some people have such real life basic humor..that doesn't come from a "joke" but born out situations be it embarrassing, painful,symbolic, or whatever..dave chappelles show was one.... all the shit you laughed about secretly or thought about about sayin within "your group" u you laughed because u knew that shit was funny..Kat williams is another one..pimp got some serious mind skills he is the guy in "your group " just waitin for you to say some dumb shit so he can call u out an run with it're embarrassed but u laugh because u know the shit is funny..but my question is why do all the great funny comedians live such tormented it the stress of having to be funny 24/7 or is it pain that fuels their comedy..theres a long list..belushi..pryor..i could go on..i just wish kat williams all the best and a quick recovery. I just hope "pimp down" isnt a cry for always be famous or infamous fuck being just in between....